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Wind park «Prichernomorsky»

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Project info:

Logistics and assembly of wind power generating plants.

Wind park «Prichernomorsky»

Wind power installation

Given the large height of the wind power plant and the significant weight of its individual parts, it was decided to use the Terex Demag 2800 crawler crane with a lifting capacity of 600 tons and an outreach of 132 meters as the main lifting device. The total weight of the crane is 500 tons.

For the installation and operation of the crane, a site preparation of 30 × 40 meters was preliminarily conducted. The surface of this platform according to the technological requirements should be practically horizontal (with a slope of the surface not more than 0.3 °) and maintain the necessary pressure. To do this, after planning the soil, a double deposition of the territory was carried out with layer-by-layer compaction by a vibrating roller. After the delivery to the site of the sector, the towers were tilted (brought to the vertical position) with the help of two cranes: Terex Demag and Grove, as well as special rigging. The sections of the tower were alternately raised by a crane Terex Demag and installed one on top of the other with bolted connections. The joints of the sections were treated with a sealant. The connection between the fitters and the crane operator was maintained by the radio. The motor gondola was delivered to the site in assembled form. The total weight of the motor gondola is 96 tons. With the help of super-lift devices, the gondola was lifted and installed in the design position. When performing this operation, additional counter-weights of a total weight of 90 tons were used on the crane. Due to the significant overall dimensions, the “Rotor with blades” assembly was delivered to the work site in parts (rotor knots, blades). The ascent was preceded by a number of preparatory operations:

  1. Installation of a support stand for assembling the rotor.
  2. Conclusion of the rotor in the protective casing.
  3. Alternately joining the rotor blades (the operation was carried out using two cranes). Before the lifting, the ready-made unit, weighing 68 tons, was transferred using two cranes in an upright position. Then – lifting to the connection with the gondola and installation. The tower consists of 6 different in height and mass (from 27 to 67 tons) parts, connected with each other by bolts. Five sections are cylindrical, one is the upper is a truncated cone. The diameter of the tower (five sections) is 4300 mm, the upper part is the transition from 4300 to 3200 mm. The total height of the tower is 95 meters. The total mass of the tower is 298.6 tons. The final stage of the construction of the foundations of wind turbines is waterproofing. In order to protect against the effects of moisture, the “body” of the foundation is covered with a layer of special mastics. Before the lifting of each section of the tower is removed from the car trailer and kantuetsya (translated into vertical position) with the help of two cranes. Then this lifting and installation is carried out to the design position (height – 15-22 m, weight – 56-61 tons).
